History of MADYN 2000 ®
The roots of MADYN go back to the Institute for Machine Dynamics at the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany. Basic research for this program was carried out from 1970 until 1990. In 1983 an industrial version of MADYN was launched. This version was basically created by Dr. Heinz Dieter Klement, who decided to rewrite the complete code rather than to combine the existing fragments. Over the years the features of MADYN were further enhanced among others by non-linear analyses. In 1998 an add-on to MADYN was created by DELTA JS in order to meet the demands for magnetic bearing applications. In 2001 the project MADYN 2000 started with the following goals:
- Focus on rotordynamics considering the influence of casings and foundations
- Maintain the power of MADYN regarding rotordynamics
- Full integration of the analysis of fluid film bearings
- Implementation of new features, which became necessary due to new technologies such as magnetic bearings.
- Enhancement of the robustness of solvers (eigenvalues, nonlinear time step integration). MATLAB ® solvers are used, whenever adequate.
- Implementation of state of the art user interfaces
- Implementation of clear state of the art model and result plots
- Implementation of a state of the art data structure (object orientation)
- Implementation of a state of the art program architecture, which was necessary to achieve the above mentioned goals.
The project was sponsored by 4 companies. In 2004 the last milestone of this project was finished and in 2005 the program was generally released.Since then one to two new versions are released every year with improvements and new features (see Release Notes).
The module for the fluid film bearing analysis within MADYN 2000 goes back to the program ALP3T, which is a result of more than 20 years of research mainly of Prof. Glienicke sponsored by the German research consortium FVV (Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen). DELTA JS is a member of this research group.
In 2014 rolling element bearings were integrated into MADYN 2000. The module for the analysis of linear and nonlinear bearing forces is based on MESYS.
In 2018 the analysis for rotordynamic coefficients of seals was implemented in MADYN 2000 based on the solution of the Navier Stokes equations. The roots of the program go back to the Technical University of Darmstadt (Prof. Rainer Nordmann).